I swear by these poop bags. They don’t split, even if you inadvertently get twigs and leaves caught up in the bag. They are very strong, and you can’t see the poop in them if you are having to walk along with the poop bag for a while. They have very useful tie handles and have a pleasant scented smell.
I have never bought the easy scoop gadget that these are apparently refills for. I just buy these bags on their own and they are great.
Best dog poop bags
Best dog walking coat
My all time favourite coat for dog walking in wet weather is the Jack Murphy Malvern Bush Coat. It is a full length coat, which when worn with long boots such as wellies or country boots, keeps you covered from head to toe. It’s a lot easier to sling on the coat and walk out the door, than worry about shimmying into waterproof trousers and then pulling your walking boots on. The only minor downside that I can see, is that if it is windy the coat can sometimes blow open below the zip and you might get wet knees. However, this is only a minor gripe, and I would definitely buy another coat when mine finally wears out.
You can even get a matching hat to wear if you wish! Not that I’ve gone that far…… yet!